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How to Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Sometimes it’s useful to generate a model based on a saved configuration. Vertabelo models can be exported as XML files; later on, these files can be imported back to Vertabelo to create a model. This can be helpful, e.g. for backups.

Open your model. Click on the model name in the upper-left corner. Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Click Import and then Import from XML.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Click Browse to choose a file from your computer.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

You can choose to either add the imported data to the current model or overwrite the current model.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Click Import to import the file.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

You’ll see a window informing you that the import has finished. The imported model should be visible in the diagram area.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Alternatively, you can import the XML file while creating a new document.

Open your drive. On the top menu bar, click this icon to create a new document.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

A new window will appear. Click Create next to the document type of your choice.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Type the model’s name and choose a database engine.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Scroll down to the Content section and choose From XML.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Click Browse to choose a file from your computer.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

After choosing the file, click Import XML.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo

Click Start modelling. You should see your imported model in the diagram.

Import a Vertabelo XML File into Vertabelo
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