Diagram area

Diagram Area


In the top left corner of a diagram area, you can find the toolbox.


Using the buttons on it, or the respective keyboard shortcuts, you can:

  • Select an element (press 1)
  • Select an area (press 2)
  • Move the diagram around (press 3)
  • Add a new entity (press 4)
  • Add a new association (press 5)
  • Add a new relationship:
    • One to many (press 6)
    • Many to many (press 7)
    • Association (press 8)
    • Inheritance (press 9)
  • Add a text note (press 0)
  • Add a subject area (press s)

Model quick navigation

To make navigating through the model easier, you can use model quick navigation in the bottom right corner. There you can check where you are now in your model and quickly move from one place to another. If you don’t need it at the moment, you can hide it by clicking the arrow.

Model Navigator

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